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"[T]eachers can facilitate abstracting meaningful concepts and labeling in the second language by

  • Presenting words with concrete objects or pictures

  • Organizing vocabulary into units, grouping words by concept

  • Expanding the vocabulary words in a meaningful concept

  • Using all the senses in teaching vocabulary


Even though students may not make the connection that those squiggles are a graphic representation of the concept, seeing the squiggles every day helps reinforce the connection."


-- "The More-Than-Just-Surviving Handbook", Barbra Law & Mary Eckes, 2010, p. 117



Merriam-Webster's Online Visual Dictionary


Description: This online visual dictionary is an interactive dictionary. There are 15 major themes with an outstanding 6,000+ images in total. The themes are: astronomy; Earth; plants and gardening; animal kingdom; human being; food and kitchen; house; clothing and articles; art and architectures; communications; transport and machinery; energy; science; society; and sports & games. Within each theme are subcategories and diagrams with labels and definitions. There is also the option to listen to the audio recording of the vocabulary words.   


Rationale: This is a valuable resource for ELLs because it provides a range of topics and subtopics, thus providing a wealth of information. It is a free resource that is easily accessible and has an easy-to-use interface. ELLs need multiple means of representation and this website provides that through use of images, audio clips, key vocabulary, and definitions. This sourse is especially beneficial to ELLs because, when it comes to cognitive academic language (CALP), ELL students need advanced warning and preparation so that they can participate more meaningfully in the academic units. This online visual dictionary combines dictionary-scale definitions with stunning illustrations, making it the most complete English dictionary available.


Implementation & Adaptability: Teachers can have ELL students access this website and the particular theme and subtopic of interest prior to beginning the instruction of it in the classroom. For example, one week prior to starting a unit on energy, the classroom teacher can set the ELL student up on the website and show him/her how to access the section. From there, during free time, time in the resource center, or at home, the ELL student can explore the section on the website and become familiar with the vocabulary and diagram(s) in advance. Then, once the unit has begun, the student could still utilize the website to review and prepare for any assignments and/or tests. This source is quite adaptable because it covers such a range of topics. This online dictionary can be used for a variety of grade levels because each of the themes will connect to various parts of British Columbia’s curriculum.  For example, the B.C. curriculum mandates that Grade 3 students learn about plant growth and changes within life science, and therefore the online visual dictionary’s section on plants would be suitable. Alternatively, B.C. curriculum mandates that Grade 7 students learn about Earth’s crust, therefore the geology section, which is a subsection under the Earth section, would be suitable.


Credibility of Source: I learned about this visual dictionary from my EDCI 457 English as a Second Language course. The company that created The Visual Dictionary is QA INTERNATIONAL, which is the leading publisher and creator of visual reference works. The hardcopy version of The Visual Dictionary sold over 8 million copies worldwide. The demand was high, which is why the company decided to create this online version. Additionally, the company that published the website is Merriam-Webster, which was founded in 1831 and has therefore stood through the test of time and demonstrated that they are reputable as it is a well-known corporation.




QA INTERNATIONAL. (2015). Visual dictionary online. Retrieved from

Created by  Brettney Howard 2015 ©  

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